Saturday 26 October 2013

Nearly lost it

Untold anguish as I'd thought I'd nearly lost my blog.
Couldn't find it via Google- after frenzied repeated searching.
Felt a sense of anguish and despair.
All my personal little tit-bits gone for good?
Lots of things I know I'd wish to reference in the future
Heck- I'd even got new stuff ready to add.
This is kind of like my own personal Wikipedia- it can't just vanish
Into cyberspace?
Can it?
Seems so.
Definitely wasn't there for a while.
But then that old dee-o-dee bulldog spirit.
Never give up.
"Strong hearts keep going"- and all that.
And hey whadd'ya know.
It's back.
It's here. I'm here.
How lucky can you get.

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