Tuesday 7 June 2011

Parisiene Fancies

I'm always cutting out scraps of newspaper with scraps of travel info- so I thought I'd be less scrappy and more organised and file stuff ee-leck- trow- ni-cally. That's good n'est-ce-pas?

In Paris - for restaurants try-

Restaurant Chartier- inexpensive bistro cuisine- 7 Rue du Fauborg- 0033147708629- http://www.restaurant-chartier.com/

or when you're at the Eiffel Tower- there's

Jules Verne- Avenue Gustave Eiffel- 0033145556144- http://www.lejulesverne-paris.com/

or Chateaubriand- 29 Avenue Parmentier- 0033143574595. (I have heard there's a tres posh new place opened just beside it).

And you can amost smell the loaves at- Poillane's bakery- 8 Rue du cherche-midi. 0033145484259.

Of course these are just a few places- you can hardly go wrong en France. Bonne Chance.

Oops I nearly forgot my favourite place in Paris- Bigarrade- http://www.bigarrade.fr/ . I love it because there's no menu here- "you get what you're given". If I had my way all restaurants would be like it.

And now they've gone and opened - "Wanderlust"- 32 Quai d'Austerlitz, www.wanderlustparis.com. It's an all-in-one- club, restaurant, openair cinema & exhibition space- with different events laid on at different times. Ace.
