Sunday, 6 February 2011

Ab-s-o-lute-ly Flawless.

Just been to see the Flawless show- concert if you like- at the Lowry in Manchester. Those guys were absolutely fantastic.

I was worried at the start about how a dance troupe would keep us engaged for the whole show but the guys pulled it off beautifully. They must have fab producers, directors, choreographers n stuff- cos it all worked so well and so smoothly.

We started off with the kind of dance routines we're used to from the "Britains Got Talent" days- but quite quickly moved on to various other pieces- each telling a story. There was the extended story of the homeless man with excellent graphics in the background- skillfully enacted so that you felt you were in a sort of breakdance musical or opera. The changes between routines were so seamless that you didn't dare take your eyes off stage for even a moment.

There were the individual performances in the second half- with each "chosen" performer using a prop (or "talisman") of their choice in their individually led dance routine- but with support available in the background. The best was the guy with the cloak and his fight routine which was absolutely captivating.

It was fantastic the way the guys would move in and out- from background to foreground, from action to stillness, so effortlessly and fluidly. They never seemed to be out of breath, never put a foot wrong. No wonder- they're all so physically fit- and every now and then-a dancer would change their outfit on stage to reveal the most amazing "six- pack" to a chorus of "whoo's" from the audience.

The speed and intricacy of the dance moves was breathtaking- at times they performed the impossible- but at times it was simple- like their take on 80's funk. I found myself thinking "I could do that". There was lots of Michael Jackson bits- perhaps a little too much- but you could see how much he inspired them.

We all enjoyed the audience participation at the start of the second half- with all of us concentrating hard to master the required routine using our "PWG's" or "Protective White Gauntlets" -white gloves really- but it worked so well and created a wonderful visual effect in the room with the lights dimmed. I remember thinking at that point- "these guys should be in the opening ceremony for the Olympics for sure".

And then afterward- the guys sat for ages- all in a row- chatting with the fans, signing stuff, and having umpteen pictures taken. They were so genuine and friendly and warm. My daughter had a poster, her "Britain's Got Talent" picture book- which the guys loved, and her new white gloves which light up- all signed.

What an experience. What a night.

I was inspired too- not so much to dance- couldn't- I have tried. Rather to hold onto my dreams-"never mind the competition".

Thanks guys.

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